Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Candy Apple Pie

This one is the first of many to come in my candy apple pie series.  It is a relatively simple concept based on the candy apple we all remember lusting after as children.  Like I mentioned earlier this week, I've been inspired by Marie over at the Calendar restaurant to make fresh fruit pies.  She makes hers with strawberries and different kinds of berries but I see no apple.  Nope, all the apple pies in the world today are based on the cinnamon apple combo.  Which is great, it's all-American for crying out loud, but I just want to try something different.  So I looked to the apple on a stick for guidance and this is what I came to.

It is a crust painted with hot fudge sauce (left over from my strawberry pie the other day) topped with caramel coated apples with chocolate and caramel drizzled on top and graham cracker crumbs sprinkled on top.  The crust is cooked, but the rest not.  The apples leak so you don't want to throw this all together too early before you plan on serving.  I will work on the apple leak problem, but for now it just gets thrown together on the way out the door.
My absolute favorite pie ever...but I'm going back to butter for the crust, maybe it's all in my head but it tastes like a pig to me!

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